15 LinkedIn Statistics You Should Know in 2023

15 LinkedIn Statistics You Should Know in 2023

15 LinkedIn Statistics You Should Know in 2023

If you’re creating a new social media strategy for your company, you’ll find there’s a lot of valuable content on LinkedIn that might make it a worthwhile avenue to explore!

Not convinced? We’ve got a list of 15 awesome LinkedIn statistics for 2023 just for you.

So, just keep reading to check out some inspiring LinkedIn stats to see if hopping on LinkedIn is the right move for you!

Why your company should join LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides the following benefits for companies who create a profile:

  • Transparency: LinkedIn users can find a lot of information about businesses with company pages on LinkedIn. Viewing their about page, posts, and interactions with users provides transparency that helps users build trust in the company.
  • Worldwide reach: Over 75% of LinkedIn users are outside the U.S., giving your company a massive audience to interact and connect with.
  • Precise targeting: You can use demographics marketing to target a specific LinkedIn audience. You can also hone in on audience behavior, interests, and engagement.
  • Account analytics: LinkedIn makes it easy to view analytics for your posts, including engagement, article performance, video performance, and discovery. Viewing these analytics will help you analyze your impact on the LinkedIn community.

15 LinkedIn statistics you should know

LinkedIn helps professionals across various industries connect, and it might be an excellent place for you to focus some of your social media marketing efforts.

We’re breaking down our list of 15 LinkedIn statistics into the following sections:

Let’s dive in!

General LinkedIn statistics

Searching for some general LinkedIn stats? We’ve got you covered! Check out these statistics:

1. LinkedIn was launched in 2003.

The platform will turn 20 years old in 2023, making it one of the most enduring social media platforms still available. At this point, LinkedIn has proven its value and continues to see a lot of growth year to year.

2. LinkedIn’s annual revenue is $8 billion.

This number from the 2020 fiscal year was way up from 2018, during which LinkedIn’s revenue reached $5.26 billion. It doesn’t seem to be slowing down, either — hopping onto the platform while it’s growing might be an excellent decision.

3. Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016.

The transaction was valued at $26.2 billion. LinkedIn retained its own brand voice and independence after the acquisition and has continued to show growth since the deal was made.

4. 95 job applications are submitted every second.

This statistic is incredibly impressive and shows how active the LinkedIn user base is. LinkedIn is effective. Six million people get hired on the app every minute, and 50 million use the app every week to search for new jobs.

It’s not just individuals looking for jobs active on LinkedIn — CEOs and high-profile decision-makers also scroll through their feeds.

LinkedIn user statistics

Want to learn more about the people that use LinkedIn? Here are some LinkedIn user statistics just for you:

5. LinkedIn has more than 800 million active members across 200 countries and regions.

With over 188 million U.S. users, 140 million users in Europe, and 88 million users in India, LinkedIn is the place to be if you want to reach a large number of current and soon-to-be professionals. More than 58 million companies also have listings on the platform.

On top of all that, there are over 63 million decision-makers on LinkedIn and 80% of LinkedIn members drive business decisions. That makes LinkedIn a valuable resource for reaching members who drive decisions for their companies.

6. 78 million members of Gen-Z are on LinkedIn.

Don’t be fooled into thinking only the older generations are on LinkedIn — 78 million of the profiles on the app belong to people born between 1995 and 2009.

If you want your social media content to reach a younger audience, you aren’t limited to Instagram and TikTok! Whether or not they’re currently your target audience, you may want to start considering how to connect with them. Gen-Z is a vocal force in the world and is predicted to make up 27% of the workforce by 2025.

7. Millennials make up the most prominent age group on LinkedIn.

The most popular age group represented on LinkedIn is 25-34 years old. If you’re trying to reach millennials, marketing on LinkedIn might be the way to go for your business.

8. 51% of adults with a bachelor’s or advanced degree use LinkedIn.

LinkedIn remains popular among people with college degrees, while those with a high school diploma or less make up 10% of the LinkedIn user base. Using LinkedIn to market your company or products could be a valuable way to connect with individuals with some level of higher education.

9. 122 million people got an interview through LinkedIn

Not only is LinkedIn a great place to market your business and reach interested prospects, but it’s also a great place to recruit top-notch employees. Over 122 million people get interviews from applying to positions on LinkedIn.

On top of that, 50 million users search for jobs on LinkedIn every week.

LinkedIn is a great resource if you’re looking to expand your team and want to find top talent.

10. Users spend an average of seven minutes on the platform

One of the important LinkedIn statistics to know is that users spend an average of seven minutes on the platform. While users don’t spend a lot of time on the platform, they’re still visiting the platform frequently.

In fact, 87% of LinkedIn users visit the platform monthly, 63% visit it weekly, and 22% visit it daily. This platform is a great option for reaching people.

LinkedIn marketing statistics

If you’re considering launching a social media marketing campaign on this popular platform, these LinkedIn marketing statistics are for you:

11. Marketers on LinkedIn see 2x higher conversion rates.

Seeing these types of results is extremely valuable for marketers who want to expand their reach. High conversion rates are a primary goal of social media marketing campaigns, and you can get great results by using LinkedIn.

12. LinkedIn is an excellent source for lead generation.

When surveyed, 40% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers said LinkedIn was their most effective channel for driving high-quality B2B leads.

Not to mention, 80% of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn. This platform is a great place to get qualified leads for your company.

Driving and creating leads to your site is a top priority, and LinkedIn may be able to help by showing your business to the most relevant audiences.

13. Buyers work with salespeople with LinkedIn profiles.

Specifically, 79% of buyers are more likely to consider a brand if its salesperson has a reputable and informative LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a resource that users trust, and they show it with their wallets.

14. 3 million LinkedIn users share content weekly

People who use LinkedIn often use it to share content. Over 3 million LinkedIn users share content with their followers each week.

On top of that, 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content –– it’s a valuable platform to share information with your audience.

LinkedIn offers numerous types of content formats, from links to videos –– videos are the most shared type of content on LinkedIn. You can take advantage of these various formats to create engaging content for your audience.

15. 50% of U.S. marketers use LinkedIn to promote their businesses

LinkedIn is a great platform for promoting your business to interested prospects. In fact, 50% of U.S. marketers use the platform to promote their companies to others.

Additionally, 58% of marketers believe that LinkedIn ads offer the best value for advertising. Many marketers believe the platform is a great option for promoting products or services to prospects who want them.

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